Maison pour tous - Chelieu - 38

Chélieu - 38

Community Hall

Mission exercée
Entire mission
Mairie de Chélieu
250 m² (SHON)
Coût des travaux
380 000 € H.T.
Cible énergétique
RT 2012

Overall Objective

The new community hall has replaced an old one that was no longer compatible with local needs and recent national security regulations.

ts location, near an existing parking lot and a church, renders it a coherent addition to the village centre with sufficient space for optimal building orientation.

Our first priority was to propose a building of contemporary design which would readily integrate into its environment. For example, the north-east and south-east facades are treated in a more traditional way with small stone cladding and a classic low- gabled roof with few openings to limit possible noise inconvenience for nearby residents.


The south-east and south-west façades and the patio are more contemporary in style with a flat roof harbouring greenery and wide windows bestowing the status of a modern public building to the community hall.